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250 favorite dishes. Ukrainian cuisine

250 улюблених страв. Українська кухня

Юлія Карпенко

Yulia Karpenko

250 favorite dishes. Ukrainian cuisine

The book “250 Favorite Dishes. Ukrainian Cuisine” is built in a very convenient form: it consists of three parts, each of which is a separate topic, but if you combine these topics, you will get a wonderful menu, and not just for every day! A detailed description and colorful illustrations will help you prepare a dish without any problems and unnecessary worries.

Чому варто купити "250 улюблених страв. Українська кухня" Юлії Карпенко?

"250 улюблених страв. Українська кухня" – це не просто книга рецептів, а справжній кулінарний путівник у світ традиційної української кухні. Вона пропонує унікальну можливість приготувати вишукані страви, які здивують вашу родину та друзів.
  • Різноманітність страв: Книга містить рецепти для будь-якої нагоди – від повсякденних до святкових страв.
  • Легкість приготування: Використані інгредієнти легко знайти, а сам процес приготування простий і зрозумілий.
  • Традиційний смак: Зберігаючи автентичність, кожен рецепт відображає багатство української гастрономії.
  • Цікаві факти: Кожен розділ супроводжується історією та культурними особливостями страв.

Де купити "250 улюблених страв. Українська кухня"?

Купити "250 улюблених страв. Українська кухня українською мовою" можна прямо зараз. Це ідеальний подарунок для всіх, хто цінує українську кухню. Ви можете купити "250 улюблених страв. Українська кухня" від Юлії Карпенко через наш інтернет-магазин.
  • Найкращі ціни: Ми пропонуємо конкурентні ціни, щоб ви могли насолодитися кулінарією без переплат.
  • Гарні знижки: Слідкуйте за нашими акціями для отримання додаткових знижок на покупку.
  • Швидка доставка: Ми забезпечуємо швидку доставку безпосередньо з Києва та Львова.
  • Підтримка армії: З кожної покупки частина коштів йде на допомогу українській армії.

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Не втрачайте можливість зануритися в багатство української кухні – купуйте "250 улюблених страв. Українська кухня" від Юлії Карпенко вже сьогодні!

Why You Should Buy "250 Favorite Dishes: Ukrainian Cuisine" by Yuliya Karpenko

"250 Favorite Dishes: Ukrainian Cuisine" is an essential addition to any culinary enthusiast's bookshelf. This book offers a deep dive into the rich tapestry of Ukrainian flavors and traditions. Here are some compelling reasons to purchase this book:

  • Authentic Recipes: Experience genuine Ukrainian dishes passed down through generations.
  • Diverse Selections: From hearty borscht to sweet varenyky, discover 250 unique recipes.
  • Cultural Insights: Each recipe is accompanied by stories that illuminate Ukrainian culture and history.
  • Beginner Friendly: Clear instructions make it easy for novice cooks to follow along.
  • Special Occasions: Learn how to prepare traditional meals for holidays and family gatherings.
  • Perfect for Gift Giving: An ideal present for anyone who appreciates international cuisine or Ukrainian heritage.

Where to Buy "250 Favorite Dishes: Ukrainian Cuisine" in the US and Canada

Start your culinary journey by buying "250 Favorite Dishes: Ukrainian Cuisine" in Ukrainian. Discover authentic tastes that will transform your kitchen experience. You can also buy "250 Favorite Dishes: Ukrainian Cuisine" by Yuliya Karpenko from various online retailers. Immerse yourself in the joys of Ukrainian cooking today!

Our Strong Advantages

  • Best Prices: We offer competitive pricing and regular discounts.
  • Fast Shipping: Enjoy quick delivery directly from Kyiv and Lviv.
  • Rare Book Assistance: We specialize in finding and purchasing rare books from Ukraine.
  • Support for Ukraine: A portion of each sale goes to support the Ukrainian army.

We accept payments through PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, and all major banking cards. Our shipping options are reliable and include Ukrpost, USPS, UPS, and DHL. Experience the rich flavors of Ukraine with your copy of "250 Favorite Dishes: Ukrainian Cuisine." Order now!


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250 улюблених страв. Українська кухня


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    An informative and beautiful edition of a cookbook. I like to buy cookbooks in which I can find proven and new recipes from our and exotic cuisines of the world. This book attracted my attention first of all by its content, because in addition to simple recipes, such as salting lard or cooking knuckle, you can find quite a few recipes for dumplings, bograch and other national dishes. Not every book on Ukrainian cuisine has recipes for dumplings, and there are quite a few of them here. You can also find recipes for salads, appetizers, first and second courses, but for myself, I allocated a section with pies, cakes and other desserts.

    I love to cook baked goods, and in this edition I found quite a few recipes that were completely new to me. For example, with interest I made a cake “Buryachok”. The dessert turned out to be budgetary, but original and delicious. Separately, I want to highlight the recipe for the cake “Bird’s milk”. I have made this cake according to different recipes, but I liked the one given in this book the most. First of all, the proportions are carefully calibrated here, which, of course, affects the appearance and taste of the dish. Having made the cake according to this recipe, I was pleased when the bird’s milk soufflé began to solidify immediately after it had cooled. The cake ended up tall, beautiful and balanced in sweetness, which is also very important to me.

    I only had time to make a few desserts from the book, but I really enjoyed the edition. The large format of the book, the pleasing beige pages, the many different recipes, which are also supported by photographs. Some of the recipes are accompanied by helpful tips. For acquaintance with the recipes of Ukrainian cuisine, this book suited me perfectly.

    September 29, 2020
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    My family loves Ukrainian cuisine, so I wanted to update my cooking recipes with this book. I like to experiment with food. In this book, I found quite interesting recipes, there are quite simple and interesting ones, and some are delicious, but you need to spend more time on them. I really liked the design of the book, the bright, beautiful illustrations, and the symbols (which are useful for cooking).

    Next to each recipe, the ingredients that will be needed for cooking are written, and under them, in sequence, the course of cooking, on the side, a picture showing what the dish looks like. Everything is shown and described in a simple way, so it’s a pleasure to cook with this book.

    It contains recipes for: salads, breakfasts, appetizers, main courses, soups, sauces, pastas, desserts, and pastries. So you can prepare a dish for every taste. Every day you can choose something new and delicious for yourself and your family.

    I am very pleased with my discovery, I liked the book, and I am happy to please my family and friends with delicious dishes.

    January 21, 2020
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    Ukrainian dishes are usually hearty, nutritious and surprisingly tasty, so every housewife should definitely read Yulia Karpenko’s book 250 Favorite Dishes. Ukrainian Cuisine”, which contains many interesting recipes for appetizers, salads, breakfasts, soups, main courses, pastries and desserts that will help to add a pleasant variety to your daily diet and satisfy the whims of even the most demanding gourmets.

    Have you ever tasted a pate made from pickled mushrooms, onions, hard cheese, sour cream, herbs and garlic? If not, I advise you to immediately correct this unfortunate omission, because this dish is so delicious that it really deserves attention.

    It is no exaggeration to say that the collection has recipes for every taste. For example, I am a vegetarian, so I took note of such delicacies as machanka, fresh mushroom pate, open pies with cheese and herbs, and an incredibly delicious sour cream cake with cherries…

    The book consists of one hundred and twenty-eight pages, has a high-quality design with a hard cover, offset pages and color illustrations, and is relatively inexpensive: only one hundred and twenty hryvnias.

    December 11, 2019
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    Since we are well acquainted with the cookbooks of the well-known and popular author Yulia Karenko, we were very pleased to buy this simply extremely interesting, originally presented, valuable cookbook of culinary recipes “250 Favorite Dishes. Ukrainian cuisine”. Since our birthday girl loves to cook and bake wonderful cakes and desserts, she was very pleased with the gift and liked it very much.

    A wonderful, very interesting, information-rich and well-designed edition of culinary recipes “250 Favorite Dishes. Ukrainian Cuisine” was published by the well-known Gloria publishing house and presented to readers in simple and accessible Ukrainian. This useful cookbook was published in two thousand and eighteen and is quite large in size, as it contains one hundred and twenty-eight pages of original, healthy, appetizing, somewhat affordable recipes, the decorations of which have already become our favorites, namely, the following, which we are looking forward to trying every time: “Open pies with cheese and herbs”, “Juicy ribs”, “Stuffed eggplants”, Salads: “Darynka”, “Podolyanochka”, “Liver”, “Tongue”.

    A large number of bright, colorful, professionally taken photographs of ready-made dishes can perfectly complement the content of the recipes, as well as decorate and enrich the cookbook itself.

    The publication “250 Favorite Dishes. Ukrainian Cuisine” is sure to please you, as well as bring positive emotions and new taste impressions!

    October 28, 2019
    Verified Purchase


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