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Марія Міняйло

Maria Minyaylo


24.02 is the day when the lives of millions of people changed forever… The lives of the Doroshko family, who are trying to survive the bloody hell of the occupation; of Mrs. Savenko, the owner of an old candy shop hundreds of kilometers away from Ukraine; and of four officers who do not lose faith in victory… 24.02 – three stories about different people, different circumstances, and different destinies, united by a common grief – war

Чому варто купити книгу "24.02" від Марії Міняйло?

"24.02" — це не просто книга, а справжній літературний витвір, що розкриває глибокі переживання та емоції людей на фоні важливих подій. Ця книга стала однією з найпопулярніших в Україні, а тепер також доступна для покупки в США та Канаді.

Основні моменти та цікавинки сюжету

  • Герої книги: Яскраві персонажі з різними долями.
  • Емоційна глибина: Присутність переживань, які торкаються серця.
  • Соціальні теми: Обговорення важливих питань сучасності.
  • Noi + філософські роздуми: Відображення глибинного змісту в повсякденних ситуаціях.
  • Непередбачувані повороти: Сюжет, що тримає у напрузі до останньої сторінки.

Купити "24.02 українською мовою" — це можливість поринути в атмосферу України та відчути всю міць її культури. Книга здатна змусити вас переосмислити багато аспектів життя.

Наші сильні сторони

  • Найкращі ціни: Ми пропонуємо конкурентоспроможні ціни на всі наші книги.
  • Добрі знижки: Можливість економити під час покупки.
  • Швидка доставка: Ми забезпечуємо оперативне відправлення вашого замовлення.
  • Доставка з Києва та Львова: Ваша книга завжди буде з особливим українським духом.
  • Пожертви на українську армію: З кожної покупки частина коштів іде на підтримку наших героїв.

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Не втрачайте можливість купити "24.02" від Марії Міняйло вже сьогодні та насолодитися чудовою літературою українською мовою!

Discover "24.02" by Maria Minyailo

Looking to buy "24.02" by Maria Minyailo in Ukrainian? This captivating book delves into themes that resonate deeply with readers. Here are some compelling reasons to pick up a copy:

  • Engaging Storyline: The narrative grips you from the start, exploring the intricacies of human experience.
  • Rich Character Development: Each character is crafted with depth, making their journeys unforgettable.
  • Timely Themes: The book tackles relevant social issues, encouraging readers to think critically about the world around them.
  • Cultural Insights: Gain a deeper understanding of contemporary Ukrainian life and values through vivid storytelling.
  • Literary Excellence: Maria Minyailo's writing style captivates both new readers and seasoned literary enthusiasts.

Why You Should Read "24.02"

This book contains milestones that are worth exploring:

  • Impactful Moments: Key events in the plot highlight the resilience of the human spirit.
  • Thought-Provoking Questions: Readers are left pondering moral dilemmas long after finishing the book.
  • Unique Perspective: Experience life through the eyes of characters facing complex situations in modern Ukraine.

When you decide to buy "24.02" by Maria Minyailo, you're supporting not only your reading habit but also a great cause. A portion of each purchase goes to support the Ukrainian army.

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  • Best Prices: Enjoy competitive pricing on all books.
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Don't miss out on this literary gem. Order your copy of "24.02" today and immerse yourself in an incredible story!


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    I bought this book a long time ago, when it first came out (I follow the author after reading her previous book, a detective story). But for a very long time I could not open the first page. And when I did, I read it all night, laughing, crying, and, I confess, gloating over the misfortunes and ineptitude of the enemy.

    If you, like me, have already bought it and are afraid to remember, don’t be afraid, open it and read it. This is our life and our hopes.

    The book is actually very truthful and emotional, and most importantly, it gives hope. So today we can drink to Ryma Vasylivna’s health :), and after the Victory we can go to Sofia to visit one interesting place, which is described in a short but really enchanting story from the book.

    April 11, 2023
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    Olena Pivnik

    It took me a long time to decide to read it because, frankly, I didn’t want to relive something that still hurts and is still our everyday life… But the book is not about pain. It is very lively, very truthful, and after reading it, I did not want to cry, there was no sadness in my heart. It gives me hope.

    In general, the book has an interesting emotional structure (three stories with three emotional shades). From a tragedy that shocks, through black humor that evokes sinister laughter, and then the author takes the reader to the love of life, which neither war nor the occupiers can kill.

    The book is 100% worthy and easy to read. In my opinion, everyone should read it, because it is high-quality fiction about what was and is really happening.

    March 7, 2023
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    Alexey Shtanko

    The book left a whole range of emotions. The author’s style is “laughter through tears,” which is presented with tremendous depth. I was particularly impressed by the story “Stolen Spring”, which is the key story among the three novels. It is both tragic and witty, and here the grotesque balances on such a delicate edge that you admire the author’s skill without unnecessary pathos. The novel has a very strong imagery of “friends” and “foes”, which might seem hyperbolic at first glance, but in today’s realities is incredibly true. The book is for everyone who remembers how scary it was on February 24, 2022.

    January 30, 2023
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