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100 Fairy Tales. The best Ukrainian folk tales with illustrations by leading Ukrainian artists. Volume 1

100 казок. Найкращі українські народні казки з ілюстраціями провідних українських художників. Том 1

100 Fairy Tales. The best Ukrainian folk tales with illustrations by leading Ukrainian artists. Volume 1

One of the most successful books of the publishing house. It has been a sales leader among gift color editions for the last three years. This is the first volume of the planned three-volume collection “100 Fairy Tales”. Work on the book lasted more than 7 years. The first edition was published in September 2005. The third edition is supplemented with new fairy tales and drawings. Work has begun on an audio version of 100 Fairy Tales. “Malkovych seems to never run out of creative ideas, brilliant in their simplicity. “100 Fairy Tales is a collection of the best Ukrainian folk tales. Thanks to Malkovych’s editing, even stories familiar from childhood sound fresh. And the drawings by the best Ukrainian illustrators – Yerk, Lavra, K. Shtanko, and others – turn each book into a work of art. As a result, it is difficult to determine which is better: the texts or the design. Today, literature can hardly replace television and movies for children. But if it can do so, it is thanks to publications like 100 Fairy Tales. Correspondent magazine, No. 1, 2006.

Чому варто купити "100 казок. Найкращі українські народні казки з ілюстраціями провідних українських художників. Том 1"

"100 казок" - це незабутня подорож у світ української культури. Ця книга пропонує читачам можливість зануритися в найкрасивіші українські народні казки, що були зібрані та ілюстровані талановитими художниками. Купити "100 казок. Найкращі українські народні казки з ілюстраціями провідних українських художників. Том 1" українською мовою - це ваш шанс відкрити багатство українського фольклору.

Основні моменти книги

  • Дивовижні герої: Серед персонажів ви зустрінете мудрих людей, хитрих тварин та добрих чарівників.
  • Цікаві повороти сюжету: Кожна казка несе сюрпризи, які захоплять дітей та дорослих.
  • Неповторні ілюстрації: Книга наповнена яскравими малюнками, які привносять емоції у кожну історію.
  • Моралі та уроки: Кожен сюжет передає цінності, важливі для виховання молодого покоління.

Чому варто купити цю книгу?

  • Поглиблення знань про українську культуру
  • Ідеальний подарунок для дітей та друзів
  • Залучення до читання через цікаві історії
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Discover "100 Tales: The Best Ukrainian Folk Tales with Illustrations by Leading Ukrainian Artists. Volume 1"

Buy "100 Tales: The Best Ukrainian Folk Tales with Illustrations by Leading Ukrainian Artists. Volume 1" in Ukrainian and immerse yourself in the rich storytelling heritage of Ukraine. This collection brings together traditional folk tales, beautifully illustrated by renowned artists, making it a delightful addition to any book lover's shelf.

Key Reasons to Buy and Read This Book

  • Authentic Cultural Experience: Journey through the heart of Ukrainian folklore, preserving the stories that have been passed down through generations.
  • Beautiful Illustrations: Each tale is accompanied by stunning visuals from leading Ukrainian artists, enhancing the reading experience.
  • Educational Value: Great for children and adults alike, these stories offer valuable life lessons and insights into Ukrainian culture.
  • Perfect Gift: An ideal present for anyone interested in Ukrainian literature or fairy tales.
  • Support Ukrainian Art and Culture: Every purchase helps promote Ukrainian heritage and supports local artists.

Why You Should Purchase From Us

  • Best prices with great discounts on selected titles.
  • Fast shipping directly from Kyiv and Lviv.
  • Assistance in searching and purchasing rare books from Ukraine.
  • Donations to the Ukrainian army from each purchase, supporting a noble cause.

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Order now to embrace the enchanting world of Ukrainian folklore with "100 Tales: The Best Ukrainian Folk Tales with Illustrations by Leading Ukrainian Artists. Volume 1"! Secure your copy today.


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Weight 1.252 kg


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100 казок. Найкращі українські народні казки з ілюстраціями провідних українських художників. Том 1

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    Kateryna Stoyko

    We have three volumes. I bought it for my daughter so she could read it by herself. I bought it for the very beautiful and colorful illustrations. But the fairy tales are just a mess. Some are very interesting, and the child can read them by herself. And some are written using words whose meaning I have to look up on the Internet. In some dialect of the Ukrainian language. It’s very hard to understand them. I am disappointed. The books are on the shelf, the child doesn’t read them. Some fairy tales are just rewrites of already known fairy tales. Well, in general, the impression is twofold. On the one hand stunning illustrations, coated paper, and on the other – just unreadable texts.

    May 24, 2022
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    Anya Guskova

    I didn’t even expect the book to be so big and of such high quality! The illustrations are extraordinary, made with great skill, inspiration and love) And what bright and rich colors! It’s a pleasure to read my favorite fairy tales from childhood in such a design. Familiar stories come to life and become brighter. Ababagalamaga is love! I am already looking forward to my son reading it himself. In general, when you hold a book in your hands, you feel proud of Ukrainian publishers. But I have to warn you – the book is heavy)) of course, with such a high-quality cover and pages))

    August 11, 2021
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    A few days ago, I received this book as a gift, so I decided not to put it off, but to read it right away. And it was a great decision! I read this book quickly, because the text is written in a simple, understandable language. Moreover, the font is easy to read. A big advantage of this book is that it is large in format, with many illustrations. Moreover, it contains the best Ukrainian fairy tales. The book itself is hardcover, so it will keep its excellent condition for a long time. I was really interested in reading this book. It’s a great book, I recommend it!

    June 8, 2021
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    This is one of the best books of folk tales I have ever bought for my daughter. We have a ritual every night: bath, potty, warm blanket and a book of fairy tales, this is the best.

    The illustrations are incredible, kind, real, without gimmicks and tricks. Interesting fairy tales, instructive, meaningful. Glossy pages, quite resistant to tearing. A good hardcover binding and a sturdy cover. I definitely recommend this book for children of any preschool age! (and even for first-graders)

    The fairy tale develops the child’s imagination, and if you see such beautiful illustrations before going to bed, you will have good and kind dreams, and moms are guaranteed a quality rest!)

    March 22, 2021
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    One of the worst book and fairy tale purchases ever. A fair of vanity and narcissism. The publishers tried to create a masterpiece with “incredible” illustrations, an “ideal product of publishing”, completely forgetting the purpose of a book of fairy tales – to tell good magic tales to children. A very strange choice of fairy tales, language, a lot of archaisms – a nightmare, not a magical bedtime story. For example. A girl secretly began to live with a snake from her brother, and even tried to take him out of the world so that her unfortunate brother would not find out about her strange love preferences… Riley?! What are you people doing?

    December 24, 2020
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