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100 Fairy Tales. The best Ukrainian folk tales. Volume 2

100 казок. Найкращі українські народні казки. Том 2

100 Fairy Tales. The best Ukrainian folk tales. Volume 2

“100 Fairy Tales. Volume 2” is the second book of a three-volume collection of the best Ukrainian folk tales illustrated by leading Ukrainian artists.

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  • Яскраві персонажі, які запам'ятовуються з першого прочитання;
  • Зворушливі сюжети, що відкривають глибину українських традицій;
  • Цінності, передані з покоління в покоління, такі як доброта, мужність та справедливість.

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  • Унікальність: Ця книга зібрала найкращі казки, які не залишать байдужими ні дітей, ні дорослих;
  • Культурна спадщина: Вона допоможе вам краще зрозуміти українські традиції та мову;
  • Прекрасна ілюстрація: Кожна казка супроводжується чудовими малюнками, які роблять читання ще більш захоплюючим.

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Discover "100 Tales: The Best Ukrainian Folk Tales. Volume 2"

Buy "100 Tales: The Best Ukrainian Folk Tales. Volume 2" in Ukrainian and immerse yourself in the rich cultural heritage of Ukraine. This captivating collection showcases timeless stories that have been cherished by generations. Below are some key reasons to read this remarkable book:

  • Engaging Storytelling: Each tale is beautifully crafted to enchant both children and adults.
  • Rich Cultural Heritage: Learn about Ukrainian traditions, values, and folklore through these narratives.
  • Diverse Characters: Meet heroes, magical creatures, and whimsical characters that bring the stories to life.
  • Educational Value: These folk tales impart important lessons and morals for young readers.
  • Beautiful Illustrations: Enjoy vibrant artwork that enhances the storytelling experience.

Why You Should Buy "100 Tales: The Best Ukrainian Folk Tales. Volume 2" by [Author]:

  • Accessible Language: Written in clear and engaging Ukrainian, suitable for all ages.
  • Perfect Gift: An excellent choice for anyone interested in Ukrainian literature and culture.
  • Enhance Language Skills: A great resource for those learning the Ukrainian language.
  • Support Ukrainian Literature: Contribute to promoting Ukrainian authors and their works.

By choosing to buy "100 Tales: The Best Ukrainian Folk Tales. Volume 2", you not only enrich your bookshelf but also support a good cause. A portion of every purchase goes toward donations for the Ukrainian army. We offer the best prices and exciting discounts on our selection.

Experience fast shipping directly from Kyiv and Lviv with reliable options like Ukrpost, USPS, UPS, and DHL. We accept various payment methods, including PayPal, Visa, Mastercard, and more. Explore this captivating collection today!


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Weight 1.18 kg


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100 казок. Найкращі українські народні казки. Том 2

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    The book is primarily attractive because of its really large format.

    Accordingly, there are bright pictures on each page, and this, as well as a large printing font, contribute to the fact that children should definitely like the book.

    With such a book, it will be easy for a child to learn to read, and even if the child is just starting to learn to read, he or she will still understand what events are happening in the fairy tale, because the pictures serve as a great hint.

    The bright design and high-quality paper will make this book a real decoration of any home library and a wonderful gift.

    The book contains a collection of folk tales in a modern literary setting. Among the fairy tales there are both well-known and somehow rare tales.

    These fairy tales teach children about kindness, respect for elders, helping younger people, and explain what is good and bad. The fairy tales ridicule human vices, such as greed and envy, while the main characters are honest and unselfish characters worthy of imitation.

    The book is perfect for joint reading by adults and children. In this case, if a child does not understand certain points, an adult will always be able to explain them.

    August 5, 2020
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    Miroshnichenko Tatiana

    The second book of a three-volume collection of Ukrainian folk tales edited by Ivan Malkovych and illustrated by the best Ukrainian artists. This is not a simple collection of fairy tales. This is an extremely beautiful, high-quality and interesting edition of Ukrainian fairy tales.

    The fairy tales are written in beautiful Ukrainian. In the second volume, among some fairy tales unknown to me, you can read well-known ones. Such as “Kolobok”, “Cockerel and Hen”, “Goat-tree”, “Wise girl”, “Flying ship”, “Princess-frog”, “Kotyhoroshko”, etc.

    I would especially like to note the design of the publication. It is a heavy book, large format, like most children’s publications by Ababagalamaga, high-quality thick paper, large font for easy independent reading by children, and no specific smell of printing ink. But the main thing in the book is the illustrations. They are very beautiful, large, bright, just the way children like them, with the opportunity to look at them for a long time and find more and more details every time. Some of the pictures allow the child’s imagination to create their own fairy tales or add to existing ones.

    June 29, 2020
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    This book entitled “100 Fairy Tales. The Best Ukrainian Folk Tales. Volume 2” is the second part of a gorgeous three-volume collection of fairy tales. We bought all three volumes for our family home library and they are really like a decoration, because the collections contain not only the best fairy tales, but also incredible illustrations by the best artists (Kateryna Shtanko, Kost Lavro, Vladyslav Yerko, Iveta Kliuchkovska, Viktoria Palchun, Inokentii Korshunov). Some of the illustrations take up a whole page and, in my opinion, can represent separate paintings and are generally very harmoniously combined with the texts of fairy tales, helping children to better imagine the events that take place in the tales.

    The collection includes twenty-eight fairy tales, some of which are published in literary adaptations by Ivan Malkovych (they are marked with asterisks in the table of contents).

    As for the quality of the publication, it is of the highest level, because the book has a hard high-quality cover, dense, glossy, white pages that are well stitched.

    As for me, these collections of fairy tales can be just the perfect gift for children aged three and older.

    December 2, 2019
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    Oksana Lishchuk

    I’ve been looking at fairy tales for a long time, but I couldn’t make up my mind. In the end, the choice fell on the fairy tales of the publishing house “A-ba-ba-ga-la-ma-ha” “100 fairy tales” in 3 volumes. I was a little confused by the price, but when I picked up the book, I realized that it was worth it!

    I can’t help but notice (again!) the beautiful illustrations – colorful, rich, looking at which you want to plunge headlong into such a mysterious and attractive world – the world of fairy tales. In the 2nd volume of “100 Fairy Tales”, the reader will find both well-known fairy tales (including “Kolobok”, “The Tree Goat”, “The Flying Ship”) and little-known ones, or, as for me, not known at all or long forgotten (“The Mare’s Head”, “How the Butcher Tinkled”, “About the Undead”). Each tale is full of depth and folk wisdom. I was delighted to re-read “Kotigoroshko” – nowadays you can see many bright cartoons based on this fairy tale, full of courage and friendship, but here “Kotigoroshko” is exactly the one I was told as a child: betrayed by his brothers, betrayed by his brothers, but still true to himself and his goal. This version of the fairy tale was new to my son (he really likes the cartoon “The Adventures of Kotigoroshko and His Friends”) and raised a lot of questions, to which we searched for answers together, looking at the pictures and comparing fairy tale characters with cartoon ones. In my opinion, such fairy tales are very useful-they show the downside of trust and friendship, demonstrating that even family and friends can be tempted and hurt; but in spite of everything, you need to be brave and courageous, kind and sincere, because it is these people who manage to become a hero.

    This book was a wonderful gift not only for my child, but also for me!!! I am happy to turn its pages and plunge into the moments from my childhood, where it was so exciting and fun to imagine myself as a heroine of some fairy-tale adventure… And now my son imagines himself as a brave Cossack who overcomes the evil serpent and rescues his princess (I am glad that so far his princess is me, his mother)). Read fairy tales to your children, grandchildren, nephews and plunge into the world of incredible adventures with them, where everyone can be a hero!

    August 6, 2019
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    The overall impression of the book is wonderful – the illustrations are so surprising and fascinating that the content of the fairy tales is not so important, it is nice to just look at these amazing drawings.

    There are 25 folk tales in the book: some are very famous (my daughter didn’t even want to listen to them, she said she knew everything, she just looked at the picture), and other tales we read for the first time. But all the fairy tales contain hidden wisdom, revealing human relationships and the most important values in life: love, kindness, faith, justice, honesty, etc. That is why the book impressed me.

    The book is large in format and encourages long and leisurely readings. When reading it to children at night, parents should be prepared for the fact that this reading will not end quickly, and children will insist on continuing to read fairy tales after each fairy tale (even a large one). That’s exactly what happened in our case: I thought we would read the book for a long time, but we read it in a week, and my daughter demands to continue. The book’s edition is really luxurious and impressive, and therefore read with pleasure.

    October 15, 2018
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